pg电子游戏试玩 is partnering with the U.S. Department of 健康 and Human 服务’ Office of the National Coordinator for 健康 Information Technology (ONC) to create a pipeline for students to pursue careers in public service.

The ONC’s Pathways to Public Service Program (PTPS) offers virtual career fairs and professional development workshops where students are educated on the federal hiring process. Participants then receive access to paid internships and entry-level positions within the agency and its partnering organizations.

Rhoshunda米. 埃利斯, a career specialist with the pg电子游戏试玩 Office of 职业服务, 感谢摩斯·哈里斯四世, Pathways to Public Service Program manager, for his efforts in bringing the program to the University.

Excited about the opportunities the partnership presents, 她说, “The Pathways to Public Service Program can significantly benefit the students at pg电子游戏试玩 by providing them with invaluable resources and opportunities to kickstart their careers in public service. Through personalized coaching, 写简历, and interview preparation, students can enhance their professional skills and increase their competitiveness in the job market.”

她继续说道, “Our goal is to ensure that our students have access to every opportunity available, and this partnership aligns with that goal.”

Since the PTPS program’s inception in 2019, it has successfully hired more than 100 students for internships.

埃利斯 elaborated on the benefits of the partnership.

“The program offers direct exposure to hiring officials, 志愿者小时, and letters of recommendation, all of which can bolster students’ resumes and career prospects,”她说。. “Participating in this partnership will inform our students of the various career paths within the Department of 健康 and Human 服务 and help them be educated on the federal hiring process. 也, our students will be able to become Campus Ambassadors for the program, allowing them to gain leadership experience and contribute to fostering a community dedicated to public service on campus.”

The program’s mission is to develop a pipeline of diverse, 合格的, and highly motivated students who will become the next generation of public servants, providing effective health and human services and fostering advances in medicine, 公共卫生, 以及社会服务.

To learn more about the partnership at pg电子下载, 或者参与, contact the Office of 职业服务 and Pre-Professional Programs at 601.877.6257 or (电子邮件保护).